New NDA president discusses strategy, workforce challenges, and the future of demolition

The National Demolition Association (NDA) has set its sights on three primary objectives for the coming years: workforce development, safety, and membership growth.

Ben Hayden, NDA President Ben Hayden, NDA President. (PHOTO: D&Ri/KHL)

In an exclusive conversation with D&Ri at Demolition New Orleans, in the United States, NDA President Ben Hayden discussed the association’s strategic direction and the challenges facing the demolition industry.

“We started doing a strategic planning session with the Board of Directors about eight years ago, and we now hold one every two years when a new president comes in,” Ben said.

The most recent session, held in Sarasota, Florida, in January, solidified NDA’s commitment to its three core pillars.

Addressing the Workforce Crisis

Among these priorities, workforce development stands out as the most pressing issue. “It’s pretty apparent that finding the next generation of workers is going to be a challenge for everybody,” Ben acknowledged.

The difficulty in attracting young talent to demolition is not unique to the US but is part of a broader issue affecting the entire construction industry worldwide.

“There’s a lack of workers everywhere,” Ben noted. “But in more developed markets with stronger safety regulations, training becomes even more critical. Getting young people interested in demolition is difficult.”

He pointed out that in some regions with looser regulations, recruitment for basic manual labour is easier, but the need for specialists remains high.

Ben emphasised that exposure to demolition projects can be a powerful recruitment tool. “Some of our biggest successes have come from bringing in construction and engineering students, letting them see demolition projects firsthand. Once they experience the industry, they often get hooked—it gets in their blood.”

Strengthening Safety and Membership Growth

While workforce development is a priority, NDA continues to push forward on its longstanding mission of safety. “Safety has always been at the core of what we do,” Ben said.

“We’re constantly refining our approach to ensure our members have access to the best resources and training available.”

Membership growth is another key focus. “Expanding our membership base allows us to provide more benefits and strengthen our impact,” Ben explained.

With a structured strategic plan, NDA’s leadership continuously tracks progress. “We update our strategic planning tracking list every board meeting and hold weekly executive board calls to make sure we’re staying on course.”

The Commitment Behind the Presidency

Leading NDA is a significant commitment, and Ben acknowledged the demands it places on those who step up. “It’s all voluntary—there’s no financial benefit. But what we put into the association, we get back tenfold,” he said.

Ben’s journey with NDA was a natural progression. Growing up in a family deeply involved in the industry, he and his brothers took different leadership paths within the demolition sector. “I started on a committee, then became a board member, then treasurer. One thing led to another, and now here I am.”

Balancing leadership responsibilities with business and family life requires support, something Ben is fortunate to have. “My brothers and I divide and conquer, and my family understands the commitment. The demolition industry is family-oriented, and NDA reflects that—it becomes part of your extended family.”

Looking Ahead

As his presidency progresses, Ben remains focused on ensuring NDA members feel supported and engaged. “I want everyone—whether they’re on the board, in a committee, or helping at a live demo—to feel like they’re making a difference. If we can continue moving the needle on safety, workforce development, and membership growth, then we’re on the right track.”

For Ben, leadership is about service. “This role isn’t about being in charge—it’s about helping others succeed. Everyone involved in NDA wants to contribute to something bigger. That’s what makes this association special.”

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]