Genie helps demolish grand hotel

Premium Content

29 July 2019

The Dom-Hotel in Cologne, Germany

The Dom-Hotel in Cologne, Germany

Braun Transporte used a Genie SX-105 XC telescopic boom lift to help carry out demolition works on a historic grand hotel in Cologne, Germany.

The Dom-Hotel, which is located immediately opposite Cologne Cathedral, is undergoing refurbishment works that will see the entire building demolished except for its historic outer façade and main staircase remain.

Workers on site use the SX 105 XC unit to inspect the progress of the demolition

Workers on site use the SX 105 XC unit to inspect the progress of the demolition

Following the use of a wrecking ball during an initial demolition phase, Braun used the Genie SX-105 to allow operators to separate the different components of the building that were to be removed by excavator.

Braun also used the machine, which has an outreach of 24.4 m (80 ft), to help suspend foil sheeting around the site to protect workers and the public from falling debris and water from the sites dust suppression operations. 

Frank Braun, owner of Braun Transporte, said: “On this particular job, the compact dimensions of the Genie SX-105 XC boom lift are a key factor, without which we would not be able to access the confines of the hotel’s inner courtyard or the interior of the building. Working immediately in front of the cathedral that is busy with pedestrians and curious onlookers, we are working within a very limited fenced area on the façade of the hotel, which add to the constraints.”

Genie SX 105XC boom lift arriving on site

Genie SX 105XC boom lift arriving on site

Built in 1893, the Dom-Hotel refurbishment project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2020, with the demolition phase due to be completed by the end of this year.

Frank added: “Working right next to the cathedral in Cologne’s historic town centre, the job is heavily monitored. This implies complying with strict safety measures, as well as making sure that we are keeping to schedule.”

Genie SX 105XC telescopic boom lift was used to secure foil sheeting to help protect from falling debris

Genie SX 105XC telescopic boom lift was used to secure foil sheeting to help protect from falling debris


Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]