Webinar Recording: Demolition Equipment Challenges

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This free-to-watch recording of Demolition & Recycling International’s (D&Ri) latest webinar features leading demolition industry experts Ryan Priestly, Marcel Vening and Riccardo Viaggi.

Moderated by D&Ri editor Steve Ducker and sponsored by Allu, Dehaco and RVT Group, the Demolition Equipment Challenges webinar was held 28 April of this year and focuses on the challenges associated with demolition equipment.

Topics covered by the experts included demolition and recycling machine and attachment design post-Covid, the relationship between manufacturers and demolition contractors, developing and maintaining an international outlook, and technology and legislation.

About the panelists:

Ryan Priestly, president, Priestly Demolition Ryan Priestly, President, Priestly Demolition Inc.

Ryan Priestly, President, Priestly Demolition Inc, Canada

Ryan is the second generation of a family that started in the demolition industry in 1971 and has handled many of the major demolition projects in Ontario. Canada.

Having served as president since 1997, Ryan has led the company to legacy projects that have gone on to become recipients of the prestigious World Demolition Awards (2016). In 2017, at the World Demolition Awards PDI took home the award for Contract of the Year Under US$1 million for the St Michael’s Hospital Stairwell Project, and the Recycling & Environmental Award for the demolition on Humber Hospital.

In 2019, Priestly Demolition was shortlisted for four World Demolition Awards in various categories, and won the 2019 National Demolition Association award for Excellence in Demolition $0-$5 million for the CN Tower Third Floor Observation Deck.

Paired with his exceptional management and practical skills, Ryan has further advanced Priestly Demolition to complete complex demolition projects efficiently, cost-effectively, safely, on time, and within budget.

Marcel Vening, Managing Director Marketing and Sales, Demarec, Netherlands

Marcel Vening, Managing Director Marketing and Sales, Demarec. Marcel Vening, Managing Director Marketing and Sales, Demarec.

Twenty years ago Marcel Vening founded the Netherlands-based company Demarec together with Ruud de Gier.

Demarec, part of the Kinshofer Group since 2006, is one of the leading manufacturers in demolition and recycling equipment.

Marcel and Ruud set themselves the goal of being a trendsetter in demolition and recycling attachments and the company says this is still an important part of its DNA.

Riccardo Viaggi, Secretary General, Committee for European Construction Equipment

Riccardo Viaggi has been secretary general of CECE, Committee for European Construction Equipment and since May 2017 he represents the manufacturers of construction equipment with the European Union institutions in Brussels.

He earned his Master’s Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from the University of Bologna in March 2006, after completing parts of his studies in Switzerland, France and the USA. In addition to his native Italian, Riccardo speaks fluent English, French and Spanish.

Riccardo Viaggi, Secretary General, CECE. Riccardo Viaggi, Secretary General, CECE.

Before joining CECE, Riccardo was secretary general of European Builders Confederation for eight years, during which he gained useful insights into the needs challenges of construction contractors in Europe.

D&Ri will be running another webinar later this year and on 20 and 21 October the annual World Demolition Summit is scheduled to go ahead as a live in-person event in Chicago, USA.

More details on this, including how to register, can be found at www.demolitionsummit.com

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]