NDA: ‘We’re ready to help create new demolition jobs’

Premium Content

06 February 2023

The US National Demolition Association (NDA) has released its National Policy Agenda for 2023 – pledging to work alongside the country’s political leadership on policies for the long-term benefit of the industry but calling for ongoing support for its members.

Scott Homrich NDA president Scott Homrich said the association would work with policy makers to craft solutions to the USA’s most pressing economic issues. (Photo: NDA/Homrich Wrecking)

The NDA represents around 500 US, Canadian and international companies in demolition contracting, recycling and related businesses, and working with Congress and the White House is a key part of its day-to-day activity.

Announcing the agenda – which the association described as offering “comprehensive advocacy” for the demolition industry – NDA president Scott Homrich said: “The National Demolition Association is excited to partner with Congress and the White House on a policy agenda for 2023 that will strengthen the demolition industry and stimulate job growth in the US economy.

“This policy agenda clearly defines the demolition industry’s position and will assist policymakers in crafting workable solutions to the nation’s most pressing economic issues.”

In an open letter to the country’s policy makers, he added: “The NDA believes businesses have the right to determine, within the boundaries of the law, what is best for their employees and organisation.

“Onerous federal policies hinder our members’ ability to create jobs and stimulate growth for the economy. As you work to explore all areas of sensible legislation and regulation, we reiterate our calls for balance.

“Burdensome taxes, excessive regulations on business activity, and labour shortages are just a few examples of issues that significantly impact the demolition industry.”

The 18-page document covers 10 policy areas in total, including workplace safety and health, where the association said: “We continue to urge OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) to consider the specific challenges faced by the demolition industry and to work collaboratively in an effort to ensure that demolition contractors are not unfairly burdened.”

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]