NDA president: ‘We have rebounded extremely well’

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02 March 2022

US National Demolition Association president Scott Homrich says he is delighted with the industry’s response to the return of an in-person convention and expo.

Speaking at the four-day (26 February to 1 March) event in San Diego, California, Scott – who is also CEO of US family-run demolition business Homrich Wrecking - told D&Ri that attendance numbers are higher than the last pre-Covid gathering two years ago.

Scott Homrich NDA president NDA president Scott Homrich: 'I think we are probably past the ups and downs of the pandemic'. (Photo: D&Ri magazine)

“Overall, the convention and expo has gone great,” said Scott.

“We beat our attendance from two years ago, which was pre-Covid. Our membership is back up and above where we were two years ago as well.

“Everybody went through the downturn due to Covid, but we’ve rebounded extremely well.”

NDA convention and expo This year’s NDA Convention and Expo returned to an in-person event after being online in 2021 due to Covid-19. (Photo: D&Ri magazine)

A year ago, the NDA had to move its annual event online due to Covid-19, but Scott says the opportunity to attend, along with an upturn in business, has brought a wider range of demolition people to San Diego.

“Usually, the convention reflects the economy. If we have a good market, people are more willing to bring more of their project managers, superintendent-level people, their mid-level managers and that usually boosts attendance, which I think we saw with the numbers we had here.

“I think we’re probably past the ups and downs of the pandemic; it seems like most everybody’s moved on.

“You see travel restrictions opening up everywhere, and I think that bodes well for economic growth worldwide.”

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]