EDA President: “proceed with caution” in 2024
12 January 2024
Stefano Panseri, President of the European Demolition Association, examines the current state of the demolition, decontamination and recycling industries, and what contractors can expect in 2024.

As my second year as President of the European Demolition Association begins, I would like to take some time to ponder the current state of the demolition, decontamination, and recycling (DDR) industries, as well as where they might be headed.
2023 was marked by many changes, in both positive and negative directions. The complex geopolitical situation, both in Europe and worldwide, has a prominent impact on the development of the industry.
On the other hand, many advancements were made, especially in regards to training, safety and technology. In particular, robotics and automation will play a significant role in the years to come, and it is something that all of those involved in the DDR industry need to keep a close eye on as a great opportunity.
Sustainability and environmental consciousness are also taking a front stage. As the European Commission’s 2030 climate targets draw closer, more initiatives and regulations begin to apply to the construction sector.
It is an important challenge for the industry, and we need to proceed with caution. Many industry operators, including demolition contractors, need time and resources to adjust to this new situation, which furthermore highlights the need for collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and ideas between industry professionals and public institutions.
Virtual events also seem to be a thing of the past. Both EDA and its members have organized and taken part in dozens of events throughout the year with a great deal of success. From the NDA Annual Convention in Phoenix to the EDA Annual Convention in Amsterdam, and the World Demolition Summit in Toronto, we can feel the excitement amongst industry professionals they jump back into action.
As to what we can expect in the months to come, the forecast varies greatly by any given country, although most appear likely to experience a slight growth throughout the year.
We discussed some of it in the European Demolition Industry Report 2023, published by the EDA back in June; and much of the forecasts made in it seem to be coming true so far.
As of now, our main focus is to keep moving forward, maintaining our quality standards and striving to improve. While it is a difficult task, which

requires innovations, patience and much work, the industry has shown, time and time again, that it is more than capable of adapting and overcoming any challenges that the world throws as us.
On behalf of the EDA and myself, we hope you had a good start to this new year, and we are looking forward to working together for the betterment of the DDR industries and its people.
Stefano Panseri,
EDA President