Could you become a Certified Demolition Supervisor?
07 June 2023
The US National Demolition Association (NDA) says places are still available for people in the industry looking to take the Certified Demolition Supervisor (CDS) examination.

But with the deadline of 15 June just around the corner, now is the time to sign up.
The association said: “CDS certification recognises individuals who have demonstrated competence in the demolition of structures.
“A CDS is accountable for all aspects of a demolition project site, including safety, environmental, operations and people.
“CDS designation promotes safe and quality practice through its ongoing requirements for professional growth in the demolition industry.”
The exam consists of 110 questions based on real life demolition experiences and this year the NDA welcomes beta testers to take the exam online in their home or office.
Details of eligibility requirements and entry fees are available on the NDA website at