2021 in demolition - part 1

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Throughout the holiday period, D&Ri will be looking back at some of the stories we have covered in the past 12 months. First up, January.

Work gets underway to demolish the huge Avlon Works, a former pharmaceutical facility in the south west of England...


Cat 352 UHD demolition excavator Caterpillar’s 352 UHD excavator

Milestone for Dutch firm Tobroco-Giant, which starts its 25th year in business with big plans to increase production...Bobcat supplies mini-excavator to Northern Ireland-based McCusker Demolition...also in Northern Ireland, Edge Innovate launches its SM186 wheel-mounted screener for demolition waste applications...in excavators, Caterpillar formally launches its 352 UHD (Ultra High Demolition) model

In podcast interviews, Michael Kelley and Mike Lewis of US company BossTek promote an international approach to dust suppression, while Richard Dolman (AR Demolition) and Dave Gauja share their memories of studying for a Master’s Degree in Demolition Management at the UK’s University of Wolverhampton

Any Other Business
A momentous time in terms of decision making for trade shows during the Covid-19 pandemic - the US National Demolition Association cancels its annual convention as an in-person event (it later takes place online), while in the UK the National Federation of Demolition Contractors’ Demo Expo moves to a September date

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]