‘Work smarter with white diesel’ says attachments firm

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The switch to white diesel across the United Kingdom means companies need to think smarter about the way they work on site.

Worsley Plant/MB Crusher Worsley Plant represents companies including MB Crusher in the United Kingdom. (Photo: Worsley Plant)

That is the view of Sean Heron, managing director of Worsley Plant, which distributes brands such as MB Crusher, Remu and Rotar in Britain.

Since 1 April, companies operating construction machinery and equipment are no longer allowed to use rebated red diesel or biofuels, and are required to switch to white diesel instead.

It has been a hot topic in construction and demolition, with 15 industry bodies jointly writing to the UK government saying the change would increase fuel costs by almost 200% and lead to inevitable business casualties.

But Sean Heron believes that companies can use the changes to rethink the way they work to avoid the rising costs.

“Thinking smarter is key,” says Sean.

“Many of the suppliers we work with have a focus on saving time and money. We have been promoting the importance of one machine, one attachment recycling on site and eliminating transport costs for many years.

“We’re not saying we can help with all the issues that companies will face with the change to white diesel, but we can certainly go a long way to helping our customers make smart choices.”

Leila Steed Editor, Demolition & Recycling International Tel: +44(0) 1892 786 261 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Collinson International Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786220 E-mail: [email protected]