EDA publishes its 2023 demolition industry yearbook
13 October 2023
The 2023 EDA Yearbook from the European Demolition Association (EDA) has now been published, the association has announced.

The annual publication includes insights from the demolition, decontamination and recycling (DDR) industry.
It was collated with input from several national demolition associations from across Europe, which once again delivered “articles regarding their thoughts and experiences in the construction sector thus far in 2023”.
Available in both digital and print versions, the 2023 Yearbook includes a special dialogue on nuclear decommissioning, as well as articles on women’s voices in the industry and an industry report.
The EDA said: “This special publication aims to promote best practices and be a reference document to get a feel of the state of the sector and know more about the National Associations that are involved in EDA.
“Also, we have unique content with the inclusion of dialogues with renowned personalities in the sector.”
The association added: “Their knowledge comes from all around Europe - and even further than that, as shown by our guest associations, and holds a high value to all the professionals.”