RVA Group expands into South America
14 December 2022
United Kingdom-based decommissioning consultancy RVA Group has completed its first assignment in South America.
The project – in Brazil – a two-week financial provisioning exercise for Portugal’s largest electricity giant, EDP, with whom RVA worked previously in 2011.
Taking place in the Brazilian state of Ceará, it was part of a due diligence report for the Pecém 1 Energia thermal power plant. With a total capacity of 720 MW, the plant produces the equivalent of half the electricity generated for the state.
Keen to secure independent expertise regarding the potential future of this 85 210-acre site, EDP appointed RVA – which is now in its 30th year in business – to produce a detailed decommissioning costings study.
RVA said this estimating exercise does not mean that clearance of all – or even part – of the plant is imminent. Instead, the data provides EDP with costed options if or when it decides to embark on any decommissioning works, minimising commercial risks for stakeholders.
“As with any project like this, knowledge is power,” said RVA Group managing director Richard Vann.
“So, the earlier that decommissioning engineers can become involved in a potential assignment, the greater the quality of any ensuing outputs.”
EDP’s director of decommissioning Bruno Travassos added: “As an organisation, we’re now empowered with information that will support us in future decision making processes and allow us to better plan the resources and milestones required for any future decommissioning works, large or small. Such projects are complex and have many variables, so preparation is key.”
Watch our 30th anniversary video interview with RVA Group managing director Richard Vann here.