Argentinian contract for Superior
14 October 2020
Superior Industries, a global manufacturer and supplier of bulk material processing and handling systems, has been selected as the material handling supplier for NRG Argentina’s new frac sand plant in Río Negro, Argentina.
Industrial Accessories Company (IAC), NRG’s EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) contractor for the project, has previously partnered with Superior Industries on several frac sand projects.
“During North America’s fracking boom in the 2010s, Superior quickly became the preferred manufacturer of conveyors for unloading, transferring and stockpiling frac sand,” said Roland Duer, the conveyor manufacturer’s manager of business development throughout Latin America.
“Those customers appreciate high-quality products, dedicated aftermarket support and our uniquely integrated manufacturing, which uses our very own idlers, pulleys and accessories in addition to the conveyor structure we design and build.”
More than 750-meters of conveyors are en route to NRG’s new frac sand plant. Highlights include a 56-meter TeleStacker Conveyor; these automated radial telescopic stacking conveyors are capable of building extreme volume stockpiles in excess of 302,000 metric tons.
Additionally, NRG will utilise a pair of portable RazerTail Truck Unloaders to transfer frac sand from trucks. Other conveyors will be installed throughout the dry plant creating a quiet and environmentally-friendly material handling operation.
Argentina is currently pursuing a number of policies in a bid to achieve energy independence.