Runway lights on Salzburg Airport
29 July 2019
Possehl Spezialbau has completed surface illumination works on Salzburg Airport’s new runway.
The company, which specialises in the maintenance of vehicular and aircraft-use surfaces, used Tyrolit CDL core drill bits to make more than 800 holes in the runway, for the installation of state-of-the-art LED-illumination.
Possehl used a beheading machine to divide the runway, which measured 45 m (147 ft) wide and 2.8 km (1.7 miles) long, into smaller concrete panels to create as a tension-free base layer. The company used three different specifications of Tyrolit floor saw blades to finish the task, which required over 10.8 km (6.7 miles) of preparatory floor cuts with a width of 15 mm and a depth of 300 mm (three-fifths on an inch to 12 in). This amounted to 240 cuts of 45 m each in length.
The company worked with fellow specialist construction firms, ÖBA and OAT, in order to complete the job within a five-day time slot.
Salzburg Airport’s runway 15/33 was closed for five weeks while around 8,500 t of the original 60 year old runway surface was crushed and recycled. The resulting aggregate was used for the sub-structure of the new runway surface, which comprised 120,000 t of asphalt.